Sex Is Not Your Lowest Vibration, And Here's Why

By Unknown - Friday, December 01, 2017

There are endless search results warning people to be careful of who and how we engage in intimate physical acts. As there is real possibility negative energy change be exchanged between one person to another. And when I see posts like this I sigh and wonder how did we get this far?
How did we become so afraid of sex?
This, for me, all came about with a chance meeting of my first partner - like my VERY first. As we caught up on life and how things had been since we were a thing. . . My thoughts darted back to then, when we were. What I learned from him and I's experience is that physical intimacy is one, an energetic exchange, and two a state of being. A place you go when you want to experience a moment with the one you choose.
Now... as a disclaimer, not everyone is good for you - both physically and mentally.
However, sex has not been a low sort of experience since the emergence of consciousness. During intimacy, states of being can be had where in no other times can be. Intimacy with the right partner is a experience that transcends time and rationale.
In a post I wrote some time ago, " Sex Inspired Love". Intimacy is an exchange, even when one has nothing to offer. If you are full ( in terms of mind and spirit ), there is nothing another can take from you. Unless you choose it to be so! If you are full of love, strength, compassion, sincerity and all that makes you happy as a individual, there isn't a single experience that can deplete you.
If we believe that one plus one equals two, then we can apply the same math to intimacy. One plus zero, still equals one. Now this may be a over simplification of it, but if you are in excess of positive energy there is always reason to believe that you will never be in lack. Or in a situation where intimacy leaves you void or in a 'negative'.
In reality, even if we encounter people who may be energetically low (low vibrations). They are not vampiric in the sense we think, more so, in terms of fulfilling a emotional desire. Competence, security, loneliness, and such. These emotional lacks aren't in a hunger to suck away at your energy to fill it's quench, but in to fill something only that moment can give. So if you are solid in who and what you are, your partner's state cannot effect you.
So getting back this conversation. . . I remembered my experience with him was one of exploration. Every second was a meeting of the minds to understand one another. Me experiencing who I was, and who I was with him, and in all honesty there are moments of insecurity - fear of not being adequate. He being more experienced than I, was able to be present and ease my thoughts.
And like I said before, people will tell you sex will drain you if you're with the wrong person.
What I am saying that the above statement is only true when you are just as broken and unaware of self as they are. Intimacy is a root vibration because it is influenced by the core of who you are. It's expression is a reflection of your consciousness. In intimacy we give and take for pleasure and expansion of the other. Even specific acts are done for the enjoyment of pleasing our partner.
You know the ones I'm talking about!
So in my very small and basic understanding of life and its functions, intimacy is a direct mirroring of who you are in a physical representation. And other can only give you the depth of intimacy according to the depth of themselves - how they see themselves.
All that they have acquired in life is the circumference of hat they can offer to you. . .
So, always be safe! until next time.
"Ascend in LOVE, never fall for it!"

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