The Company You Keep, 2018 and Beyond

By Unknown - Sunday, December 31, 2017

I'm not really much for New Year's resolutions or making a list of things I will and won't do - anything of that nature really. But with 2018 coming in tonight I just wanted to offer something that stays in my mind, 24/7/365.

If you read you know I always believe that your personal peace/energy is solely determined by you. I don't give much stock to, residual energy effects or others depleting personal energy that isn't already in excess or being compromised in some way.

However,      I do believe the company you keep speaks volumes about what you are or are not saying about yourself. This in itself I find puzzling - only due to the fact that I am at a time in my life where I truly want people (good people) around me. Personally, professionally, socially I want to get to know people and vise verse. The problem is though, finding the sort of people that really get you and respect who you are and your thoughts.

I said recently, "I don't treat people how I think they should treat me, the level of compassionate and respect I think they deserve may be disrespectful to them. So I treat people in the way they present themselves, we are constantly learning and changing for various reasons. The moment someone shows me a behavior which is not part of the system I am a part of, I separate myself from them. After all, I determine the value I have within myself and no one will challenge that, or make it appear otherwise." This is factual - especially in today's era of social media. People are easily offended - not to say it isn't warranted, but I feel that often times we see things in only one light. How we live now, we don't have to understand the sentiments of others, nor do we have to respect them for it. Because of this, we find ourselves bickering and fighting at the mere notion that someone doesn't agree with the way you view the world. Further, I think many decent people ex-communicate themselves because they don't care sufficiently enough to listen with understanding rather than acceptance.

If there is any caution I could advise this evening before 2018 hits. I would say that the company you keep doesn't always reflect your complete view of the world we live in today, but it does speak for the quality of life you live and desire to (a reflection of your beliefs). And even though some of us have friends and family that don't agree with the things you personally hold as core values or concepts. We must compassionately discern who we have in our lives and what they symbolize in the bigger picture.

Do they add value and perspective? Can they understand you rather than disagree without rejection?

If they cannot then I'll be the first to tell you - in order to broaden our own selves, we have to remove people, not because they're not enough or on your level. But simply because there is no balance between you and them. You have the right and duty to disallow those access to you who don't bring the things that would bring viability, respect, understanding, and balance to your life. They don't have to be one type versus another - just good people you truly rock with and will do the same for you!

You have a value which no one with any true respect would compromise. If they do, then the pink slip is what you should be handing them!

Photo by Clarke Sanders on Unsplash

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