So I know your all wondering where I've been the last couple of months. Honestly if your mad I don't blame you. But some of the most amazing things have happened to me the last few weeks and I just had to share them with you. It made me realize how important the small things are, and when you start checking things off your list - how much closer you are to the end goal. Your Big Picture!
I felt so relieved as I sat there. My drink tasted a bit sweeter, the fruit a bit juicier, my smile a bit bigger.
This led me to the idea of starting a "Seed Library", a place similar to a traditional library, the only difference is that you check in/out seeds instead. There's a bunch more cool parts to that story but I'll save it for later.
So keeping with the story I made the decision to do it and started jotting down exactly what I needed to do to get there. And can you believe I opened a non profit organization, created a complete website, published that website, got requested to do an interview, and received a very large donation of seeds in all under 33 days!
I'm super impressed with myself right now!😉😎
Lastly, I discovered a new technique to learn to master or unmaster a habit. When I first read about it I had that unbelievable smirk on my face, you know that look right.😒 But instead of dismissing it as psuedo, I decided I would give it a try since I was actively trying to undo certain habits and learn others.

After I finished the challenge, what I realized was that I had transitioned from some bad habits to better lifestyle habits without knowing it. Just like when you're used to going to sleep and waking at the same time every day, that your body does it automatically. Yeah Girl - that was me. But you can read about the 66 Day Self Mastery Challenge here. It's a awesome technique to use with your little ones too!
I've had the pleasure recently of having everything go the right way. Especially after a lot has went wrong. You can read about how I ended up in this predicament in the first place (super personal stuff).
But with everything that's happened, it's made me realize that the little accomplishments are just as (if not more) important. Whatever it is that your aspiring to, even if it's just starting with becoming that best YOU you can be. Always, I mean ALWAYS celebrate the small goals. Treat yourself to something that you haven't done in a long time. Have a night in with the girls. Take a ridiculously long bath after the kids go to bed. Whatever you do, make sure you take a moment to reflect on what meeting your goals mean!
Every small target you meet gets you one step closer to your main objective. Don't constantly good back and look at what the end goal is; it makes it seem to take so much longer. Just check off on your list and enjoy that you have indeed made yourself, just one step better!
So one major change is that I decided to change the direction and tone of the blog. I was sitting one night with a glass of champagne and a dish of fruit. This intense feeling rushed over me as I thought about what was left for me to do to roll out one of my projects. It hit me that I was almost done, and did very little to get there. This year has made so much progress - so seamlessly, that I had no clue I was almost done!Hey Alphess! I was wondering when you'll be posting again? I miss reading...
I felt so relieved as I sat there. My drink tasted a bit sweeter, the fruit a bit juicier, my smile a bit bigger.
I wish you could have been there to enjoy the moment.
So the next accomplishment is a project that is closer to a life long passion of mines, gardening! Recently I was a bit frustrated with the lack of food security in my local community. Here in my town there are only two types of people, those who live comfortably, and who live housing and food insecure.This led me to the idea of starting a "Seed Library", a place similar to a traditional library, the only difference is that you check in/out seeds instead. There's a bunch more cool parts to that story but I'll save it for later.
So keeping with the story I made the decision to do it and started jotting down exactly what I needed to do to get there. And can you believe I opened a non profit organization, created a complete website, published that website, got requested to do an interview, and received a very large donation of seeds in all under 33 days!
I'm super impressed with myself right now!😉😎
Lastly, I discovered a new technique to learn to master or unmaster a habit. When I first read about it I had that unbelievable smirk on my face, you know that look right.😒 But instead of dismissing it as psuedo, I decided I would give it a try since I was actively trying to undo certain habits and learn others.

After I finished the challenge, what I realized was that I had transitioned from some bad habits to better lifestyle habits without knowing it. Just like when you're used to going to sleep and waking at the same time every day, that your body does it automatically. Yeah Girl - that was me. But you can read about the 66 Day Self Mastery Challenge here. It's a awesome technique to use with your little ones too!
I've had the pleasure recently of having everything go the right way. Especially after a lot has went wrong. You can read about how I ended up in this predicament in the first place (super personal stuff).
But with everything that's happened, it's made me realize that the little accomplishments are just as (if not more) important. Whatever it is that your aspiring to, even if it's just starting with becoming that best YOU you can be. Always, I mean ALWAYS celebrate the small goals. Treat yourself to something that you haven't done in a long time. Have a night in with the girls. Take a ridiculously long bath after the kids go to bed. Whatever you do, make sure you take a moment to reflect on what meeting your goals mean!
Every small target you meet gets you one step closer to your main objective. Don't constantly good back and look at what the end goal is; it makes it seem to take so much longer. Just check off on your list and enjoy that you have indeed made yourself, just one step better!