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photo by @NeONBRAND |
Time is perhaps the most valuable unreal thing humans have created. And if it wasn't for my recent experiences with time and its importance when there is none, would I not understand how much time is a luxury.
Across the street from my business is an antique shop which resides as one half of large Victorian home which was split directly down the middle. The old woman which owns that half and the store is short and soft-spoken, her voice sounds as if she has lived a full and happy life. We crossed paths by way of another storefront owner directing me for her assistance for one of my employees.
We met and she began to tour me through her store, telling me the history of the building, and me in response as to how much I've always adored victorian styled homes. Not so much for how they look, but while I look, I can imagine the men building the home. The painstaking skills and man-hours it took to carve the trim and square the corners and walls. As we proceed to the second floor, she walked me into the main bathroom on that floor. She told me that when she and her husband bought the home that is was originally made by a Confederate doctor for him and his wife. She explained that the bathroom we stood in was originally a reading room for the wife. She had a great love for spaniels and also used the room for painting. When the home was first built, it was the tallest house on the street and the northwesterly window would have given her a perfect view up the road at all the other homes.
As she told me this story I thought back to my childhood and how my mothers would rally in their moms only spots in the house and gossip and laugh with each other, how the kitchen was their private - sacred space which they allowed the rest of us to enter. They had hobbies and things that they enjoyed and indulged in freely, they had the time to commune with each other and also individually.
Now all this leads me to something that had known but really didn't know fully. In relationships of the intimate nature, one of the greatest gifts a man can continually give to his woman is the luxury of time. Time to find herself, and enjoy things, to think and laugh and be free (even if for some moments).
It reminded me of how many of my previous relationships lacked that sort of time. Some due to my own personal behavior, my inability to trust who I was with to relinquish certain duties to even have that time. Others, well - I'm sure you can guess what happened. Many of us men and women both sometimes forget how valuable time is for our partners. Not to say they need time away from you, but time to continue to enjoy themselves - to further understand themselves in a sincere way.
"A happy wife makes a happy life." - somebody
Time isn't real, well not entirely. Time, however, is a real concept that has practical and applicable uses. And is one of the most crucial aspects of a relationship that we must be aware of. Too many people are with other people how can afford them many things - nearly any and everything except for time. We as humans are constantly changing and evolving who we are as we understand this world and us within it. No one ever truly stays the same, we marry and divorce different ideas as quickly as we choose beef or chicken.
If we ever strive to have any lasting intimate relationship, one of those pricey things we are checking our accounts and saving every payday isn't really there. It's ticking away on your wrist or wall. . .
TIME, it's priceless. You can afford it though!